I am a Fan

Find local music & events, what do you want to hear next?

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Find DJ’s, bands and venues that play the music you like​ and want to hear​. ​Get engaged, f​ollow them to keep updated with upcoming events and request the tunes you want to hear.

I am a DJ

One place for adding all your social media content onto one profile.

Sign Up

Use Tune Request to connect with the people who are going to your events. Create and promote your own events (parties, club nights etc). Manage tune requests ahead of the events.

I am in a Band

Phasellus semper massa leo, eget elementum nibh dignissim in. Fusce commodo finibus sodales.


Build your following and promote your band to people interstsed in the music you play! Create and promote your events and connect one on one with your fans.

I run a Venue

Phasellus semper massa leo, eget elementum nibh dignissim in. Fusce commodo finibus sodales.


Nightclubs, live venues, comedy clubs – use Tune Request to connect with people who like what your venue does. Promote your future events to an interested audience.

I am in Radio

Phasellus semper massa leo, eget elementum nibh dignissim in. Fusce commodo finibus sodales.


Use Tune Request t obuild a custom chart, or to manage music requests into the shows on your station. We can also create custom workflows and features.